Wednesday, 8 July 2020



One of the most common passages that are read during Christian weddings is from 1 Corinthians 13. But got to read it again today and allowed me to view at it differently. It describes love. Love in all its form and beauty and to the extents it goes. It describes various characteristics of love. These are

1.       Patient

2.       Kind

3.       Not envious

4.       Not boastful

5.       Not proud

6.       Not rude

7.       Not self seeking

8.       Not easily angered

9.       Keeps no record of wrong doings

10.   Does not delight in evil

11.   Rejoices in  truth

12.   Protects

13.   Trusts

14.   Hopes

15.   Perseveres

16.   Never fails

So many attributes to that four letter word!!!!

Now, help me with an exercise.... replace the word love and place your name instead. In how many of these characteristics do we fit? I for one barely fit in any of these fully let alone perfect one of these characteristics completely. Are we by this standard able to live a life that Christ wanted us to live? Don’t all these qualities amount to one with an amazing testimony? It was Jesus’ love that won everyone, the love that had all of these in full capacity and He gave it al,l that is why we are saved not because we loved him, but because He loved us and gave His life for us. As we read this passage today and meditate on it........ Let us analyze ourselves.

This lockdown has brought the worst to us and has driven us crazy. It has made us feel lost, helpless and hopeless and in all that we lose that joy! I do not want to lose this joy that Christ has given me and hence I choose to examine myself and build on love, the greatest emotion of all!!!