A giant lighthouse at the shore looks not at itself, neither guides itself, it looks on at the dark blue sea, and allows it to see the distant ships sailing at the horizon.

A tube-light in the room helps us see the other objects of the room, of things around us, relative to us, not us.

A lamplight in the study assists in reading the book in front of us, of what we study of the world, not us.

A candle in the darkest of the nights and in the most lacking of circumstances, aids in seeing what’s immediately around, prevents us from bumping into things, but in all its humility doesn’t let us see ourselves.

From the ones that spread light to great distances to the ones that grant clarity to the vision to not more than a few meters, these sources of light have never allowed us to see.....Ourselves.
We are so smart in picking at others faults, pointing mistakes, mocking and weighing out someone else’s sins and wrongs.... standing either completely blindfolded or ignorant about ourselves. We delight in ranking ourselves higher than others in our minds.
My Lord Jesus, sacrificed himself for me and became that one light that would help me see myself...... I see myself in all my inabilities and weaknesses when I look at the Cross.... and yet despite all the potholes and black marks I carry.... HE CHOSE ME!!!!!