Saturday, 21 October 2017

The God who makes the impossible possible

Isaiah 41:19-“I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the shittah tree, and the myrtle, and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the fir tree, and the pine, and the box tree together.”

I am not sure if you would have given this verse much thought. I say because I previously never did. But today morning during my quiet time, this verse hit me. It hit me like a bullet hits glass. The glass in response just shatters to pieces. One of the books of the Bible I really appreciate and find very assuring is the book of Isaiah. It has loads of promises that keep me going. The promises that the Lord made to the children of Israel, the promises that the Lord made to me before I was born the promises that keep me standing. The promises that he never breaks, because unlike us mortals, Jehovah never breaks the promises that he makes to his children.
What queer thing do you find in the above verse?  If you say that the Lord is turning a dull dry wasteland into green fields, well that is true but not exactly what I am asking you to see. I shall indicate it myself. The list of trees mentioned in the verse is the key. You would be surprised to know that each of the trees has its own significance. I shall not describe in detail for fear of wearing you out, but in a line or two I shall explain.
First of all the wilderness or wasteland is the desert, where nothing grows, and nothing happens. It is a symbol of solitude for nothing accompanies it. Moving over to the trees, the cedar, fir and pine are trees that grow only at a higher altitude. The shittah tree grows in desert; the myrtle is a deciduous tree that grows close to tropics and the olive tree is one that grows best in the coastal climatic conditions.  Each of these trees has its own habitat that is far from a wasteland. These do not grow in a dry land. If you say shittah, I would disagree with you for even the sturdiest of desert plants only grow at its rim. At the heart of a wasteland grows nothing.  But, the verse contradicts all rules of nature.
The Lord shall make trees of all varieties grow in such a wasteland. You think he cannot give you a job tomorrow or he is incapable or probably sleeping while you fight against a false accusation and are being mocked at? You think he chooses to be silent and would let you fall when you find your surroundings and the circumstances overwhelming? If so, know that, you are the child of God that can make a tree of the mountains grow in the heart of the desert. You are held by one who can make water flow in the wilderness. This is the reason why I felt the glass shatter in me. My God, with whom nothing is impossible.

Do not question his might!!! For verse 20 goes on to say this- That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the Lord hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it.

#Hope #GODofallpossibilities #nomorewasteland

Soar on wings

Isaiah 40:31- “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.”

The above mentioned verse is a very familiar passage that we often come across. Some of us even know the song by the Artist Don Moen- Eagle’s Wings. To a commoner like us, like me, one that struggles through the hardships of everyday, waiting and hoping for our dreams and expectations to come true, what does the above verse stand for?

First I thought, it means I shall be provided for anything I ask. Who wouldn't want to believe that. Life would be a lot more simple. All I have to do is wait........

On the contrary, the truth is, if my ambitions are in alignment with the will of the LORD in my life, not only would I be joyous at the arrival of what I had hoped for but also it would be a completion of the what the Lord wants in my life. In the worst of our days when all we have is to hope, pray and wait, this verse is an assurance on various levels. Firstly, our waiting is never in vain because we aren’t knocking on a wall that won’t give way, secondly, we wait on no one other than Our LORD, the God of all possibilities. Thirdly, our strength is renewed when we wait on the LORD, and fourthly, the Lord grants his strength and peace that makes us soar like an eagle. A flight over the highest mountains that scare us and still leaving us with unfathomable peace.
What more of an assurance do you want?

#DonMoen #Eagle'swings #hope

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Are you defending your faith???

Apologetics is the term related to the art of making your perfect defence. Used more commonly with the ability to defend your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the blood he shed for you and me on the cross of Calvary, apologetics, until yesterday did I realise was something that every believer ought to know. Something that every believer is ought to understand how to do and how to bring it to proper action. The striking verse that hit me was 1Peter 3:15-“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear”.

When I was reading, I noticed that, that particular phrase commands us forthrightly to be ready always. This doesn’t tell us to be ready whenever we want to be ready nor when we feel we have become theologians are we ready nor when we think we are spiritually grown to defend our faith. This doesn’t involve time or circumstance but a duty that we hold to the faith that we believe. To the faith that we hold so high!!

Don’t we naturally defend things that are we are attached to? Don’t we defend the people we hold dear? Then why not this? Why not defend in front our non-believer friends, family and colleagues about this saving grace that has turned the tables for us, for no righteousness of our own, save the eternal and undying love of the Lord for us.

This verse opened my eyes yesterday to the countless lost opportunities, where I could have defended my faith instead of holding a mute acknowledgement and a thick facade of unknowingness and weakness of our mighty Lord that I portrayed.  I decide to no longer be silent.... I decide to speak up and defend what I believe and thus obey the command. Do you?